Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fall Fest
This year we went with the Noah's Ark theme. The kids were animals - lion, giraffe, bunny rabbit, and monkey. (The plan was for E to be a frog, but with the weather, we focused on warmth instead.) Andy was Noah, and I was Noah's wife. I had a lot of fun making the costumes (and saved quite a bit of money in the process.) The kids were pretty easy to pull off, and I decided to go modern day Noah for me and Andy. (After collecting biblical garb, I realized it was really uncomfortable - not fun for an all night party.) A quick trip to Home Depot landed us a couple of hard hats! It's hard to see, but Andy is wearing his tool belt complete with hammer. I have on a waist apron with instructions to build the arc - the Bible. It was a lot of fun, and the kids loved having us dress up with them.