Yeah! She did it!
J spent last week in her swim suit on the back patio. She was able to get up close and personal with the body's function of releasing waste. Then I could easily hose her down and wait for the next intimate encounter. It was great success. She learned a lot.
So this week J has been wearing panties, but she has yet to tee tee in the potty. Until today, she would "hold it" until naptime when I would put a diaper on her. Then she would go (naturally, after holding it all morning), get back in panties after nap and do the same routine until bedtime. Crazy huh?! Not really. M did the same thing.
Well this morning, J and I had a deep 2 year old discussion. It went something like this:
Me: "J, why won't your tee tee come out when you sit on the potty."
J: "Well, Ma. It jus' don' wanna come out."
Me: "Well then. You need to tell your tee tee to come out. I want you to go sit on the potty, and tell your tee tee, come out right now!"
J: "Okay Ma." as she crawls down from my lap and runs eagerly to the potty.
I sit and listen and hear J climb on the potty and yell, "Tee tee, you come out right now!"
Then what do I hear?! A little trickle! I run to the bathroom cheering, and J is sitting there on the potty with arms raised high saying, "I did it!"