Thursday, April 30, 2009

Driving Lessons?!

Andy enjoys bonding with A. He does things with his son that he never did with the girls. Like this ... yes, they are in the street! Andy needed to move the car from parked on the side of the street to the driveway. It didn't require a trip up and down the road with the windows down, but it sure looks like lots of fun!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Peek a Boo

E has learned how to pull the cover away from the side of her bassinet so she can sneak a peek. She scoots to the top corner and looks through. This is how I find her in the mornings.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cool Treats

The girls love summer. What's not to love about hot afternoons demanding cool treats?

The girls enjoyed a ice cream sandwich on the back patio this afternoon. I enjoyed not having to worry about them getting too messy since I can easily hose them down with water. We welcome you, summertime!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fun Night!

Andy blessed me and the big girls with a fun night. After dinner, he took C, M and J to browse the aisles at Toys R Us - a BIG love with the girls. I got to stay home and have a relaxing evening with my 2 babies.
I was cleaning up the dishes while A was walking around the house. After pulling out the vacuum cleaner, I found him sitting by E, "reading" to her. I shot a quick picture, then continued with my housework.
After vacuuming I turned around to see this. A put the paper on E's face and was pointing at her smiling. I think he thought he was letting her "read." She's a good sport.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Loving on E

A kissing E

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Camera Boy

My little A loves the camera. Whenever I bring it out he gets real close and says, "Cheee."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She's Out

After all that work yesterday, E passed out.
She was pooped.

Monday, April 20, 2009

She rolls!

All the tummy time has paid off!
E rolled over today!

Friday, April 17, 2009


CA Kids is purchasing some carpet squares but can't decide what size. M and C were so gracious to model our choices. Thanks girls!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tummy Time

It's certainly not fun, but a necessary evil.
Come on E! Get your head up, hon! You can do it!

At least she's staying awake. A would just lay his head down and go to sleep. No wonder he was 15 months before he walked.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A wasn't too sure what to do with these noodles. He stared at them quite awhile before slurping them up.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sister Love

All little girls like to play with baby dolls. But C's not content with a doll; she wants to "play" with the real deal. She really is a great help to me. I can't wait until she can change diapers!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A's love

A still loves to play with coke boxes. Why buy toys for this boy? He's such a cutie.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sister Love

The girls were watching a show on television. They don't like scary things, and it doesn't take much to be scary these days. They wanted to keep watching, so they got real close and hugged each other. I was able to catch the moment with my camera. Sweet sisters.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Lizard Hunt

A perfect start for Family Fun Day.

Andy and I are still sound asleep when we hear "SLAP SLAP PITTER PAT SLAP," the sound of six little bare feet racing across the wood floor. Then we heard C frantically say, "Oh no Dad. We need you. Come quick. Come quick. There's a lizard in our bedroom."

Our sleepy response as we roll over, "Well, go catch it." They leave but quickly return with the report that he's climbing up the wall where they can't reach him.

Great. Just what I was hoping to do this morning.
We drag ourselves out of bed to locate and capture a lizard. And of course he would be hiding under the bed which had to be moved to catch him.
Good morning. Ugh.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

More talk of heaven

One afternoon we were sitting at the table playing Uno when out of the blue M asked, "Mom, why didn't PawPaw take his chair to heaven? Doesn't he want to sit in his chair in heaven?"

I explained that I bet there were even better chairs in heaven. I reminded her that heaven has the best stuff, and plenty of it. PawPaw was very well taken care of in heaven and had everything he wanted. It is the perfect place.

She got real excited and said, "Oh yeah Mom! I remember. They even have white swirls everywhere! Yep. That's how it is in heaven."

You never know, heaven might be filled with white swirls and squirrels just for my little M.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Icecream and Tookies

I love my little J. She is too precious. Last night after dinner she said, "But Ma, you forgot to give us dessert." I explained to her that we don't get dessert all the time. It's something special. But I could tell by the cute little frown on her face that that answer wasn't cutting it. We needed to talk more about sweet treats, so we had the following conversation.

Me: Well Miss J, if you could eat anything for dessert right now, what would it be?
J: Well Ma, I weely, weely, weeeeely like icecream and tookies.
Me: Icecream and tooties?!
J: No Ma! Icecream and Tookies.
Me: Icecream and tooties?!
J: No Ma (with her finger pointing, touching my chest)! You cofused. It's Tookies!
Me: Oh, icecream and Cookies.
J: Yeah Ma! Das it!

She was quite upset with me for taking so long to understand her. I apologized and asked what I could do to make her feel better. She said, "Never ever ever ever Ever do dat again. And I need a hug." Sweet girl.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

TV time!

The girls got to watch a little TV while I paid the bills. I'm not sure why the girls like to stand to watch television. I guess they just want to be as close to the action as possible.

And now they have figured out a way to let A in on the action. Sweet sisters taking care of baby brother. I emerged from the office and found this.

Monday, April 6, 2009

2 month old Woman

Same chair, same outfit, same day, same hour.
Different suck!
She's a true woman already.
She can't make up her mind.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Baby!

When E gets fussy, usually just a change of scenery calms her down. She was crying in her bouncie chair in the kitchen, so I moved her to the bassinet in the playroom. Then she was all smiles!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Helper in Training

We've got another helper in training. A is growing up so fast. He wants to do everything his big sisters do. So I'm putting him to work, and he loves it!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Daddy and Daughter #4

Andy truly loves his newest daughter. We've heard older, more wise people say that the days of crying infants and toddler chaos are the most precious. That's hard to imagine when we are in the midst of it, but we do treasure these days. They won't last forever.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No April Fool's!

We have a snake on the patio! I can't stand snakes! The girls found it while playing outside. Andy's working at the coffeehouse this morning. So we are staying inside until he comes home to take care of this. And yes, once the pictures are posted, you'll see what a wimp I am when it comes to snakes. I'm getting real good at seeing them behind glass, but even a baby on my patio freaks me out!

Yuck! Yuck!