I love my little J. She is too precious. Last night after dinner she said, "But Ma, you forgot to give us dessert." I explained to her that we don't get dessert all the time. It's something special. But I could tell by the cute little frown on her face that that answer wasn't cutting it. We needed to talk more about sweet treats, so we had the following conversation.
Me: Well Miss J, if you could eat anything for dessert right now, what would it be?
J: Well Ma, I weely, weely, weeeeely like icecream and tookies.
Me: Icecream and tooties?!
J: No Ma! Icecream and Tookies.
Me: Icecream and tooties?!
J: No Ma (with her finger pointing, touching my chest)! You cofused. It's Tookies!
Me: Oh, icecream and Cookies.
J: Yeah Ma! Das it!
She was quite upset with me for taking so long to understand her. I apologized and asked what I could do to make her feel better. She said, "Never ever ever ever Ever do dat again. And I need a hug." Sweet girl.