Have I mentioned that I love my church?! Every week I get to be a part of something huge. Every week I get to play a vital role in people coming to Christ. Do you know that 3 people gave their lives to Christ this past Sunday at Church Acadiana?! Do you understand how big that is? Do you realize that eternity has forever changed for these 3 people? Do you comprehend the impact this decision will have on their families, their friends, their coworkers? This is so huge folks!!
I'll never get tired of hearing of even 1 coming to Christ. Heaven throws a party, and I feel like eating cake and icecream too.
What can be more exciting than seeing God change lives? What can be more exciting than being a part of the move of God? What can be more exciting than serving in the local church?
I'm willing (and excited) to do whatever it takes to help people come to Christ. If that means waking up well before the crack of dawn to prepare my family to leave the house by 7:30am, to transform a movie theater into a toddler zone, and to finally wipe tears, snot, and poo from toddlers, I'm all for it!!
Actually, I've found I can't sleep in on Sundays even if I wanted to. It's the most exciting day of my week. And what's even more special is that it's the girls favorite day of the week as well.
This Sunday the girls woke up and found me in the kitchen preparing their breakfast. Andy was in his office "preaching" to the walls. (Do you know how many times he goes through his sermon week in and week out?! If this house ain't "saved" yet, we've got problems.) But the girls heard him preaching and M said, "Mom, can I go tell my preacher good morning?" And before I could respond she added, "I call him my preacher because that's what he does. He preaches to lots of people at church on Sundays. He likes telling people about God."
How precious is that? C has already informed us that she wants her husband to be a preacher.
I love that my family makes Sunday (and evangelism) such a big deal, because it is big. Eternity lies on the balance for so many in Acadiana. Lord, help us remember the big picture. Help us to be as passionate for lost souls as you are.
Can I get an amen?! A preacher's wife deserves 'em too at times, huh? :)