It seems we live by systems around here. Everything is done in a specific order for specific tasks. It comes from me being too anal, but it's really helped teach the girls how to care for themselves. Since they have learned the routines, I don't have to keep reminding them of what do and when to do it. It works for us.
This morning as the girls were finishing getting dressed, I overheard a conversation. All three were putting on their shoes in preparation for going outside to play. C and M know that after they put on their shoes, they have to go to the potty. Even if they think they don't need to, our rule is you have to try before you go outside. So C and M rushed off to potty while J was finishing her shoes. C and M were waiting in the living room when J appeared and said, "All done! Let's go!"
The following is what was overheard from around the corner.
C: No J. You have to go potty first.
J: But I don't want to go potty, C.
M: Uh, well you'll have to go to the playroom to play then. Because noone can go outside until they go potty.
J: But I don't need to potty, M.
C: It doesn't matter, J. You have to try to make some tee tee come out.
J: Augh. Ok C and M. I will try to potty now. (Then from bathroom) Tada! I did it!
C and M: Way to go J! Now we can all go outside and play!
J: Let's go!
Wow! It's great to have a house full of mommies. I've heard from other moms of large families that the hard work of training one pays off big time as it trickles down. I'm beginning to reap the benefits of my work with C and M. They love their little sister J, and do an excellent job of taking care of her - most of the time. :) We certainly have our fair share of cat fight moments.