Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Guest Blog: Andy, Dada
Dear A Jr.,

Happy first birthday, my son. I’m very happy that you made it to this day. It was just a few months ago that you were choking on a fake poker piece, and we almost lost you! Fortunately God had other plans. I want you to know that I am the proudest father. You have the best personality that a little boy can have. From birth you’ve been smiling back at me. And you’ve always been ticklish, and I love making you smile. I especially enjoy our bedtime ritual. I place you on your back in the crib, put the blanket over your head, and then I tickle you all over. You laugh your head off! And so do I. Then you wave your arms and legs like crazy, begging for more tickle torture. You’re a very unique little boy. Refusing to crawl like most babies, it looks like you’re going to go from the army-crawl straight to walking. Still, you get around well enough. In fact, I can hardly keep up with you. You’re so curious. You want to touch everything, and not just with your hands but also with your tongue! But that’s okay; it’s part of growing up.

You sure are a big boy. I hope you grow to be bigger than me. I always wanted to be between 6’7” and 7 feet tall in order to be more dominant on the basketball court. As big as you are already, it looks like you may get there. And you’re also a talkative little guy. You don’t have trouble sharing your feelings and expressing your thoughts, whether you’re happy, sad, frustrated, or hurt. Of course, no recognizable words are coming out right now, but that will come. And you’re a handsome boy. If you’re lucky you’ll be as good-looking as me! Just kidding. From the looks of things you’re going to have to beat the girls off with a stick. And I’ll help you with that; you can count on it! We’re going to have a lot of fun together. In fact, I predict that we’re going to best friends!

I have so much to teach you – about Jesus, manhood, marriage, fatherhood, ministry, basketball, girls, you name it. But since you’re only one year old, let’s begin with one lesson. It goes like this:
“Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord.”
That’s the first verse in the Bible that I want you to learn. My son, if you can learn to trust and obey me, then you will learn how to trust and obey Jesus Christ, which the most important thing you will ever do. I love you more than myself, and I’m going to do my very best to set you up for the happiest, most successful life. But you’ve got to trust me.

And in trusting me, you’ve got to obey my commands. I’m going to try my very best to lead and guide you down the right paths. And as you follow my lead, God will bless you. By obeying me, you will learn respect for authority, good manners, godly values, and you will develop the inner character you need to lead an awesome life. And by obeying me you’ll avoid plenty of unnecessary pain and suffering. In order to teach you to obey me, I’m going to discipline you. It’s not because I don’t love you. In fact, it’s the opposite. I will discipline you because I love you so much. But I will only do what is best for you. Follow my lead, my son, and all will go well. God will bless you, and you will make a huge difference in this world.

Let me close this simple letter with this: I love you, A Jr. And those words don’t come close to expressing the affection I have for you. And it’s not because of your good behavior. It’s not because you’ve done anything to earn my love. I simply love you because. It’s a special love that God has placed in my heart for you. It’s a love that makes me just want to stare at you, kiss you all over, hold you and snuggle with you. It’s a love that offends me when someone says you don’t look like me. It’s a love that makes me proud, no matter what you do. It’s a love that will drive me to sacrifice my all in order to be the father you need me to be. It’s a love that will drive me even closer to Jesus for help in raising you. It’s a love that will make me a better husband so that your mother has the support she needs to raise you right. I love you no matter what, my boy. I’m your father, and nothing can ever change that. I’ll always be yours, and thank God you’ll always be mine – my son, A.

May God bless you, A. I ask the Lord to help you follow Him from an early age; to give you the wisdom you need to withstand temptation and do well in school; and to give you a clear vision for your life, so that you’ll know which way to go. I ask the Lord to provide you with a godly wife who will bear you many children. I ask the Lord to use you for His Kingdom in a great way, leading many souls to Christ. And I ask the Lord to make you and me the best of friends all the days of our lives.

Happy Birthday, my son!
Andy and A Jr.