We're crawling ... for real! Yes, I know A has already turned 1, and I shouldn't be all that excited about crawling at this point in his life. But this man's on his own little schedule. He's doing things different, and I love it! He's just helping to prepare me. He's a boy. And I'm sure there's a world of differences he'll unload on me.
But this crawling thing has us all excited. With him pulling up on everything in sight and cruising around, he's discovered his knees!! He was "knee-crawling" around the other night, and the whole family had to join in on the fun. A just laughed and laughed as he tried to catch up with Andy and the girls. Then the girls did a little dance and cheered for him, while he clapped and squealed along. What fun!
Way to go A! We're all so proud of you!