Monday, October 6, 2008

Lost boy

I've said before that A moves so fast around the house that I sometimes lose him. This was such a time. The girls were outside playing. I was hanging up clothes. A was left to fend for himself. And that he did.

I left him in the living room for roughly 2 minutes while I walked to the other side of the house to grab some more hangers. He was standing at the window, watching the girls play. I assumed he would just stay put. I assumed wrong.

I walked back to the living room and didn't see him at the window. I called his name, to which he usually grunts back, but there was nothing. I checked the kitchen. No A. I walked to the bedroom. No A. I glanced into the playroom. No A.
I started to get a little concerned at this point. Where in the world could he be? I quickly walked around the house in search for him.
Finally I heard his playful squeal from the playroom. (I had already looked in there twice and didn't see him.) I walked back into the room again and saw him sitting in the closet. He had made his way to the toys. DUH!
It's so fun to watch my children grow and develop. A is finding his way around the house. I never thought I would be glad to hear his loud squeal, but this time my heart overflowed with joy. My boy was found.