Praise God! Christmas lunch was a success!! I'm still not sure how we pulled it off, but it was wonderful. All my lists, and flow charts, and scheduling paid off. (Who puts a menu and schedule on the fridge that details what time what food gets cooked at what temperature? Me and my anal-self. But I get it honest from Mom. She did it to me.)
The menu:
Fried turkey
Cajun Stuffing
Casseroles - sweet potato, green bean, asparagus, broccoli
Orange Salad
Cranberry sauce
Cranberry relish
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Pecan Pie - which we didn't even get around to eating!
Andy wasn't afraid to load up his plate.
We even enjoyed live entertainment. The plan was for the girls to eat their lunch on the back patio while the adults (and A and JimJim) enjoyed a peaceful, leisurely lunch inside. I explained to the girls that I didn't want them to bother us. When they finished eating, they could play until I came to get them for naptime. I explained the consequence - if they came to the door while we were eating, I would go ahead and put them down for nap. They clearly understood.
At one point during lunch my Mom started laughing to the point of crying. I couldn't imagine what she was laughing at. Then she pointed outside. Yes, little J needed to potty. She certainly didn't want to approach the door for fear of having to go take a nap. So she proceeded to strip her bottoms. She took off her shoes and pants and panties. She spread 'em wide, did her "do", and dressed herself once again. Who can match that Christmas dinner entertainment?!