Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trip to the Dentist

We went to the dentist! On the way there, I talked with the girls about the sounds they would hear at the dentist office. Sometimes it gets pretty loud, and I didn't want them to get scared. Well apparently they were listening to my little speech because as we were walking to the door of the dentist's office the girls started squealing with delight and said, "Mom! Mom! We hear the teeth cleaner!" Well, not quite. They heard the sound of the men doing construction next door. But they were well prepared to hear loud noises and not be afraid!

J went first, and with her being so young, the hygienist said she would just see how far we would get. She explained to me that the goal for young children is to get them used to coming to the dentist. But little J was a champ! She let the hygienist do everything, including polishing! She loved the whole experience and is so delighted with her new toothbrush. The dentist's report was a clean bill of health - her teeth look fabulous!

C was next. She was a little more challenging, simply because she's a talker. Any time the hygienist briefly moved away from her mouth, C wanted to share another story. Three times I had to remind her that this was not share time. C also got x-rays taken. A couple weeks ago she jumped into Andy's arm and bumped her front teeth on his chest. One of her front teeth has been loose ever since. The x-rays showed that no damage was done to the permanent teeth, and they are lined up ready to go. We also discovered that her two bottom teeth are loose as well! The dentist said we are beginning the journey of losing baby teeth!

M went last, and I was expecting her to be the most challenging. She's our over-emotional child. Sometimes she just loses it over nothing, and it's really hard for her to regain her composure. But she did great! It was so cute to watch her in the chair. Any time she got a little scared or nervous, she'd click her shoes together and grab the arms of the chair. She was a doll. I was already mentally prepared to hear she had problems because her teeth are so close together. It's more challenging to keep her teeth clean. It seems that every night we floss I find some sort of gunk in between her teeth. But all looks good with her as well.

Just think - in six months we get to do it all over again!