M: Mom, you see that white box?
Me: Yes, M. I do.
M: It's empty, you know. But do you know why we play with it?
Me: No M, why?
M: 'Cause we like to. That's why.
Me: Okay
A little later...
Me: Hmm... I smell poo. Why does it smell like poo? A, did you
go poo poo.
A: No. (in his deep man voice grunt)
M: It must be E, if it's not A.
Me: You're right M. (as I check E) Nope, not E. Hmm...
M: Well, actually Mom, it was me. Oops, excuse me. I've got gas.
Me: I smell poo again.
M: I said excuse me already, Mom!
And later after M built three towers, imitating the height of C, M, and J...
M: You see it's big, bigger, and um... (glances at me with a scowl on her face) really tall.
Me: What about big, bigger, biggest?
M: Yep, that's it. Big, bigger, biggest. I just forgot for a little while.
I'm afraid I'm losing tons of mental capacity with all this toddler talk!