On Monday nights, Andy rushes off to staff meeting right after dinner. That leaves my tired self at home with my five little boogers and lots of dirty dishes and counters and floors and faces, etc... It feels way beyond one on five. This week I thought of a plan recognizing that I could be making things worse for myself. But I was physically exhausted and longed for some help.
The plan: The kids (minus E) would transfer the dirty dishes from the table to the counter, wash them off in the sink, and load them in the dishwasher. This would free me to tackle the counters and floors. Faces would come later, or not. (It had been a long day.)
I put J and A on the transfer, C on washing, and M on loading. I tried not to watch because I can be a bit overbearing at times. I like things done properly, you know, like the way I do them. And with my exhaustion, I knew it would turn more into a fussing session rather than "Helping Mom" night. So I didn't direct traffic or get involved in any way. I focused on my tasks, ignoring the nagging thoughts of "how big of a mess are they making?!"
But they did amazing. After finishing vacuuming the living room, I rounded the corner to find this. Not only had they transferred, washed, and loaded all the dishes, they were attempting to add the soap! They had already dried the counter - especially the area directly behind the sink that my mom taught me will rot causing your sink to fall if you don't keep it dry. (I get it honest, and unfortunately I'm doing a pretty good job of passing it down the line.)
Thank you my precious kiddos, even E who sat and watched the festivities. I really do appreciate you, and I'm even looking forward to the next Monday night. Will you help your tired, 'ole Mom once again?