Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Guest Blog: Andy, Daddy
Happy Birthday C!

It’s your sixth birthday today. I love you very much, and am so proud of the young woman you are becoming. This past year has been an exciting time of your life. You learned how to ride a bike, how to play basketball, including making your first shot on a real goal, and you’re learning how to read your first words as you started school. Lately you’ve even started to read the storefront signs as we drive around town. Your favorite is “Red Tag Sale” at the new Mazda dealership on Ambassador Caffrey. But we both agreed that “Mazda” is a pretty hard word. It’s been a great year, but what I’ve learned over time is that when you make it your purpose in life to live for Christ, each year only gets better and better. In Christ we can always be confident that the best is yet to come! C, you bring your mom and me so much joy. It’s a wonderful blessing that God has made you beautiful, athletic, intelligent, and musically gifted, but what’s more exciting to your mom and me is that you are developing godliness. You are good at sharing, at asking for forgiveness, at helping others in need, and at obedience, even when it’s hard. That makes me very proud. I look forward to all we get to experience together this year (and to lots of snuggle and tickle time). I thank God for giving you to me.

Your loving father,
