Our morning routine has changed since Andy started his part time job at FedEx. Andy and I wake up at 2:40 AM. I get the coffee going while he gets dressed. Then I tidy up a few things, organizing his work gear (more coffee, Gatorade, cereal bar) before I sneak away for some ALONE Bible Time. We kiss goodbye at 3:20 AM when he steps out into the dark, cruel world and I head back to bed.
Yes, I feel I am getting more sleep now than ever before in my life. It's wonderful. I fall back asleep quickly and don't budge until I hear the kids. And the kids know to make themselves unheard until Mom is ready to hear them. When I finally drag myself out of bed, I sneak into the living room to watch some uninterrupted news.
Once I am discovered, Mom duty kicks in. As soon as the kids see me, they know it's time to begin cleaning the playroom before breakfast. On this particular morning, they were so upset to see me since they had just built block castles. We let them stay up while we ate breakfast. They were just too cool to knock down.