Saturday, September 10, 2011

So Blessed

My sweet M
 I am so blessed ... so overwhelmingly blessed it's almost embarrassing.
I truly cherish my kids, and I love being able to spend so much time with them.  They are so precious to me.  And it seems that as they grow, our time together is getting sweeter and sweeter.  I'm sure some of it is due to their growth and maturity.  
I spend a lot of time counting heads, but lately it's to make sure we're not missing someone because it seems to be too peaceful for six children, seven and under.  While outside yesterday I said, "Well goodness gang.  I just don't think I have enough of you.  I need 4 or 5 of each of you!"  And it's so true.  They do bring me so much joy that I wish I had several of each of them ... well, maybe only a couple E's.  She's in a difficult stage.
C and J - best of buds