I've finally decided to let the word out. Even if I quit this blogging adventure tomorrow, I've collected posts that I know others would be interested in reading. But as of right now, noone knows about this. Wait -- that's not exactly true. My husband does know. I mean, he's the one who asked me to start this journey, and we live together. He obviously sees me posting at times. And my dear friend Suzi stumbled upon it. How crazy for her to randomly type my address into her browser the same week I created this blog? She's good, real good, almost freaky good.
So I've been thinking about how to go public. I thought about who I'd like to introduce to my blog. And do you know who first came to mind? Jim, my big brother.
I've always looked up to my big brother. No matter what problem, situation, drama - he's there and can fix it. I love how he's always watched over me and protected me. Now don't get me wrong, we've had our brother/sister fights when I honestly thought my life was in danger, but what's childhood without sibling wars? What didn't kill me, has certainly brought us closer. And he's always been there. This is the man I email with a computer problem, and before I can get up from my desk, he's calling with a solution. This is the man who when first meeting my (then future) husband said, "If you hurt her, I'll kill you. No seriously, I'll kill you." This is the man who will spend all his time and energy fixing my car, knowing his could use a tune-up as well. This is the man who supports our church financially simply because he loves us and believes in us. I could go on and on. Thanks Jim. You are such an encouragement to me and Andy. You don't even know it, but so many times your words are what keep us going strong. It's such a relief having you on our team in life. Oh how I wish you were living here in Lafayette! I'm so proud of you and Kara, and can't wait for Jim 4.0 to arrive. You are precious to me. Your new family is precious to me. I'm so enjoying getting older with you, sharing life with you.
So Jim, here's my blog. It's not much, don't ever expect much. But you should get a laugh at times. The "Uncum Jim" fan club can be quite entertaining. I love you Jim!