Thursday, May 8, 2008

Great start

Well this morning was a little strange. C and J woke up at the regular 6:45 am. I was up early, creating a little breakfast surprise for them -- freshly baked, warm biscuits. But where were M and A? C said they were still sleeping. I quietly walked to the bedroom, and yes, they were out cold. I decided to take advantage of the slow morning and make a memory with two of my little girls.

We took breakfast onto the front porch. C and J sat and ate breakfast in the rocking chair, enjoying the cool, crisp stillness of the morning. They loved it! And I got to plant my caladiums! It was so nice to be outside doing physical labor without the hot sun beating down on me. Not even a drop of sweat! And of course the excitement of finding worms was almost too much for the girls to handle.

A slow, pleasant start to the day - a great accomplishment - what a great morning!