We had to get creative with J, and Skittles were the answer -- Skittles with the added benefit of positive peer pressure.
I've learned just how stubborn my precious 2 yr old is. She can hold her tee tee for days, if necessary. She just wasn't thrilled about putting it in the potty like her sisters were. She wasn't afraid. She actually loved crawling up on the potty and sitting there - her little throne. But she would grunt and grunt like she was trying to push something out, all the while smiling from the attention she was getting from her sisters. So we changed strategies. It's amazing what one Skittle can do for a 2 yr old. Whenever J tee tee's in the potty, she gets one Skittle, and she gets to give one Skittle to each of her sisters. How cool is that?! Now she loves going tee tee in the potty because she gets to share the exciting moment with her sisters. And of course, they are continually reminding and encouraging her to go so they can get a piece of candy.
So far, so good. Now J gets upset when she can't make something come out. I love helping my children excel in life. It's so much fun experiencing success with them.
I'm a little concerned with using the candy. This is new for me. My Mom used M&M's to help my brother conquer putting #2 in the potty. It was a wonderful success, until they went to the grocery store where he saw a bag of M&M's. Of course in his mind they were "Poo Poo Candy" which he yelled up and down the aisles. I'm scared of enduring the same type of embarrassment, but if that's the price for pushing our children to the next level, embarrass the mess out of me. I'm good for it.
Update: J just came to the office crying. I asked her what was wrong to which she whined, "My tee tee won't come out." I said, "Oh no! What can I do to help you?" Her response, "I need you to spank it. It's making a bad choice." So apparently now I'm off to spank some tee tee. Just another day in my life of Toddlerdome.