Beware: I'm complicated. No really. I tend to make things much harder than they really are. Like take today's example. The girls got a new game in the mail. (Thanks Grandma for the preschool magazine!) It takes the story "Brown Bear Brown Bear" and makes a cute little game using colors and animals. While I was cutting out the game, I noticed the kangaroo was not colored. I first thought, well maybe the girls could color that one. Then the picture of three girls fighting to color one kangaroo was too much for me to handle. I immediately begin to think of other options. How in the world was I going to explain to a 2, 3, and 4 year old the colorless kangaroo?! My mind was racing as I continued to cut out the game pieces. Before I let the girls loose with the game, I wanted to go over the colors and animals to make sure we were all on the same page. (I have to be careful of this. C and M have naturally taken over the task of teaching J. I have to watch real close, or we'll have a pretty screwed up 2 yr old on our hands.) So we're going through the cards -- yellow turtle, orange duck, blue cow, purple goat, etc... until we get to the colorless kangaroo. My heart skips a beat because I still have not discovered a creative solution. Being the mother of 4, I've quickly learned the key is preventing sticky situations that could lead to meltdowns. A colorless kangaroo is certain to cause a meltdown unless I can spin it quite creatively. So here we go, it's in my face. The moment has arrived, and my precious girls don't skip a beat. C and M continue "a white kangaroo." Oh my goodness!! YES! You are so right. A white kangaroo.
See what I mean? I'm complicated, but aware and working on it. :o)