I've always loved bedtime around here. Getting the kids into bed signals the end of my workday. I try to do no housework after the kids are in bed. Most days I'm just too pooped to care about dirty clothes. Also, this allows me to spend time with Andy.
But I've got a new favorite time of day -- Daddy Time! Andy has started doing a pre-bed mini-devotion (emphasis on mini since the girls are 2, 3, and 4) with the girls. The girls love this special time with Dad, and I do my best to stay out of their way. Sometimes it's too sweet a time for me to miss, but I know the girls and Andy get more out of it when I'm not involved. (Hey, the girls and I have each other all day long!)
The other night I captured a few pics. While snapping pictures I overheard some of the lesson. The girls were learning about being faithful. Andy was explaining that faithfulness is doing what you say you are going to do - keeping your word. After prayer time with each of the girls, C said, "Okay Dad. Now I am going to potty and get in bed. And I am going to be faithful. I'm going to do it right now." With that she walked to the potty, did her business, and quietly climbed into bed, waiting for us to come cover her up. How precious!
Who would have thought that teaching toddlers Biblical principles would impact their everyday activities?! DUH! How dare we ever forget how relevant the Bible is to our lives and even the lives of our young children.