I'm certainly no queen, but my precious J tries to make me feel like a queen. A lot of days my shower comes mid-morning after the hustle and bustle of morning routines. I'd really rather to be up and dressed before the kids start moving around, but let's be honest, it doesn't always happen that way. :)
A still takes a morning nap, which is the perfect time for me to sneak away. C and M usually choose to stay in the middle of the imaginary world they've created in the playroom, but J tends to follow me to the bathroom.
She'll sit on the floor and read a magazine while I shower. But as soon as the shower turns off, she's on her feet, grabbing my towel for me. She opens the shower door for me and hands me my towel. Then she's learned that I like to close the door again to stay warm. She'll close the door and stand, ready at attention, for me to say, "I'm ready." At that she'll swing the door open and hold it open until I step out of the way when she'll close it again. WOW! What an experience, being waited on hand and foot.
Then she'll stay with me while I pick out my clothes commenting how pretty I look and how she really likes my shirt. She is a true self-esteem booster. I love my morning showers with J!