Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nap in new bed!

The Manning family is now proud owners of a bunk bed (thanks to some incredible friends that passed it on). Of course we can't use the top bunk for another year, but the girls LOVE their new bed!
We've always had at least one girl find her way to the floor before falling asleep. Most nights M and J would ask to sleep on the floor. In their minds, the floor was some exotic adventure. Go figure. Many mornings I would find the bed empty!
But ever since we set up the new bed, all three girls have stayed in it! I know the excitement of a new bed will wear off soon, and we'll most likely return to them choosing the floor over the bed. I'm just trying to soak in the moment of all three sleeping peacefully, side by side in the bed.
Side note: Last night as I was putting the girls to bed, covering them up, C asked, "Mom, why did you get us a new bed?" I replied, "Because I love you so very much C. And I want you to have lots of nice things." To which M responded, "Yes, Mom wants us to have nice things, but we have to take care of our nice things. If we make bad choices on this bed, Mom will take it away, and we won't have a bed anymore."

Yes my precious M. You are so right. Life is hard, but it can be so rewarding if we choose to make good choices.