Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Naptime with C

I wanted to update C's progress with the new naptime system. It's working great! The idea of her not being able to get up until she falls asleep must make sense to her.

She has chosen to not fall asleep only once since starting the system - the first day visiting her Nana out of town. She just wanted to test me to see if I would hold her to the new rule away from our home. (The girls haven't quite caught on to how stubborn I can be, especially when it comes to their growth and development.)

So yes, even at Nana's house, she spent the afternoon in her bed, missing out on Nana's arrival from work. She was allowed to come out when dinner was set on the table. She ate quietly, pottied, and returned to her bed. It was really hard for us to stick with the plan, but what success one tough afternoon brought!

I once heard the more you love your children, the harder raising them is because you're willing to watch your children suffer for their sake. All afternoon my emotions were crying out to let her get up, to let her come play with us, to not make her suffer anymore. But my mind (and thankfully God's wisdom) knew that would not be best for her. It certainly would have been easier on me and the rest of the family for that matter.

So I am loving this new system! There is no battle at naptime. I don't even have to repeat the system when I'm putting them down. C tells me she is going to go right to sleep so we can play after naptime. And with her getting a good 2 hour nap each afternoon, she's so much more pleasant. All three girls wake up in such a good mood, ready to play together the rest of the afternoon.

Way to go C! You are learning self-discipline - doing what is best, even when you don't want to. I'm so proud of you! You are growing into quite a lovely young lady.