Is anyone else pooped on Monday mornings? I love Sundays. It's the girls favorite day as well. But Sundays are lots of work. We're up early (even the kids), out of the house by 7:30am, and doing lots of physical work transforming the theater into a fun, exciting toddler zone.
The next time you go to the movies, look around and imagine what it takes to create a fun, safe place with that room! Church at the movies is so exciting!
All this to say my hubby is amazing. He lets me sleep in on Monday mornings because my body screams for it. I've learned I really need that extra rest if I am going to be of any value on Monday.
Well this morning as I crawled out of bed at 7am, the house was still and quiet. Confused (and a little afraid), I walked to the kitchen. Still no sign of life. I finally found the girls, still in their bed. The lights were out and all were still. But there was a big hump in the middle. I stared for awhile, and got a quick wave from Andy. He and the girls were enjoying some morning snuggling. It was so sweet. I thought about running to get the camera to capture it, but I knew my leaving would excite the girls and ruin the moment. So I grabbed A from his crib and joined the bed bash. Six in a bed --what a great Monday morning.