My babies have always enjoyed sitting at my feet while I cook dinner. It's been a challenge to keep them entertained while not stepping on them. I've come to heavily rely on big spoons. They have been a favorite at this household.
But I've noticed a big difference between the way the girls would play with them, and how A chooses to play with them. The girls would chew on them, mimic my stirring, and wave them in the air like a magic wand.
A beats on things. He loves loud noises! He'll throw the spoon, laugh as it hits the floor with a big BANG, then race off to grab it only to beat it on the floor some more, all the while screeching at the top of his lungs. Yeah - think savage Indian in the jungle on the attack. Boys are weird.
It's amazing how different boys and girls are. We truly are created differently. And to be honest, this is new ground for me. The loud noises invade my calm, peaceful environment. It's hard for me to see how he could find this activity entertaining. I'm ready to pull my hair out, gasping and cringing every time the spoon hits the floor, and he's having the time of his life.
Then Andy will come to the rescue, grab his boy, and join in on the screeching. It's just one of those things I'll never understand. I just have to accept that fact that boys are weird. And I love my weird boys!