So the girls were rewarded for cleaning up the playroom super fast. They were so excited to sit on the couch and watch PBS. A new show was on, that I have yet to watch so I sat down with them. It's a cartoon. (Not my favorite - real, live children is much more appropriate for them to watch.) But it was a preschool class learning about the sense of touch and did, at times, have live snippets of animals and such.
For example, there was a song about snakes with lots of video of snakes crawling around. (Be proud of me! I sat there and watched it not showing any sign of fear of snakes! You can call me an idiot, but that's huge for me.)
The song said, "It's fun to be a snake. It's fun to be a snake." To which my precious M replied, "That's silly. It's not fun to be an animal. It's fun to be a people." She calls it straight, y'all.