Is this what "boys will be boys" means? I'm not new to motherhood. I've already been through this stage with 3 little ones. But why is it that A is giving me a run for my money? Don't get me wrong. He's fabulous. Incredibly content and happy. But he loves to roam and explore. And before I know it, he's into something. And I'll admit it. At times I have lost him.
This is his newest mischievous act. Poor baby was just exploring. He just wanted to know what soot tasted like. Don't we all? Um, no.
The girls never did this. Yes, they would crawl to the fireplace, and I would explain (in toddlerese) that the fireplace was yucky. And sometimes it gets hot. Ouch! Don't touch. Enough said. The girls left it alone.
But A has been through the same training, and it has not proven effective. Oh the challenges A is bringing. What fun! I'm having to rethink my parenting to find what works for him. I'm just hoping I figure it out sooner rather than later.
The bottom pictures are him throwing a fit because he wanted to crawl around. But I wouldn't let him touch anything (or me touch him) until J could run and grab the wipes. (And C, the camera.)
This boy is keeping all of us on our toes!