Thursday, October 2, 2008


This morning we had pancakes for breakfast. The girls have always eaten their pancakes (and waffles) dry. We don't do butter and syrup. It's amazing how much easier (cleaner) this is - not to mention the health benefits.

But the girls are growing up and have learned that other people (the normal ones) put "stuff" on their pancakes. This morning while the girls were cleaning the playroom, I overheard them talking excitedly about the up and coming pancake breakfast.

C: M, we're having pancakes for breakfast! I love pancakes!
M: Yeah. I think I'll have some mustard on my pancakes. Do you want some C?
C: No M. That wouldn't be good. That would be yuck. I don't like mustard on my pancakes.
J: Oh, well. I gonna have sour cream on my pancakes.

We're still a little confused. But the girls loved their pancakes - dry.