But it's past due for them to come done - especially since I'm past due as well. So I have to be the one responsible for destroying the warm glow. How morbid. And as if that weren't hard enough to face, I have an artificial tree from the Dark Ages. It's not pre-lit. It doesn't just open like an umbrella. No, every individual branch from bottom to top has to be shaped and then connected to the metal "trunk." That means that every individual branch must also be removed from the trunk and shaped flat for storage. WOW! It's a task and a half. The anticipation of a beautiful tree, complete with lights and ornaments makes set up enjoyable. There's not much to enjoy with shoving it into a box.
But this year was the most fun I've ever had! Of course the girls wanted to help me, but I wasn't too sure of their physical ability to get it done right. And as soon as they learned that it was real work, I was sure they would find something else more entertaining. So we got started. M and J touched a branch and decided it wasn't for them, but C hung in there. She completed her first branch, but it was like I thought, not up to my standard. (Once again, my anal self requires perfection. But at least I have an excuse this go round, because the tree won't fit in the box unless each branch lies flat.) So I had to explain to C that it wasn't good enough.
Me: C, what I am doing is real work. And it has to be done right. I would love for you to help me, but I'm not sure if you are going to be able to do it. If you still want to help, I need you to work extra hard - do your very best, and see if you can make your branch look like mine.
C: Ok Mom. I see what you are saying. I can do better. Can I try again please?
Wow. To be honest, I wasn't expecting that. But she tried again and did it with perfection! I couldn't tell her completed branches from mine! And she sat with me until the whole tree was complete. She loved working with me, and her help really sped up the process. And I loved having a helper. We were able to sit and talk while working. I felt like I was doing a special project with a best friend. It was so much fun!
At one point I glanced around the room. M was sitting on the couch quietly reading a book. J was dressed like a princess, sitting in a chair, reading aloud with A listening at her feet. Andy was kicked back, relaxing in the recliner, watching football. Everyone was content, and the room was so peaceful.
I read a quote the other day that helped me understand what we are beginning to experience with our children.
"The problem today is that too many parents think of children as
liabilities. If you raise them to be assets, you will be unbelievably