Friday, January 2, 2009


The playset is complete! It took a little bit longer to put together than the estimated "6-12 hours, depending on experience." But I don't think the estimated time included a 40 week pregnant woman, caring for 4 children, one shooting squirts from the backside.

But we got it done, and it looks fabulous! We worked 8am until past dark Wednesday and Thursday. (Drilling by flashlight was interesting.) Then we finished it by lunchtime today!

It was a doozie of a project, but oh so much fun to put together!! After the first day of work, as Andy and I were in bed, moaning and complaining about how sore we were, we realized how much fun we had with each other. I said, "You know, I feel like we've been at an amusement park all day long, just the two of us. I've had lots of fun with you today." He agreed, then began to snore pretty quick.
But we did have lots of fun. We both like tackling big projects like this. I'm the brains, he's the muscles. We work well together and really enjoy it.
But, please don’t look too close at the girls in the pictures. They have been neglected the past three days.

Yes, it’s 80 degrees outside, and they are wearing sweats.
And yes, those sweats are from yesterday.
And no, they haven’t had a bath since Tuesday morning, except A who’s still pooing all over the place and getting multiple baths each day.
And yes, they have watched so much PBS that this morning I heard M complain, “This again?!” (Reruns.)
And yes, we have lived off of junk food, we’re out of milk, the house is in ruins, I’ve never seen so many dirty clothes, the clutter is killing me!
BUT, the playset is up, and that was the task at hand. Now I'm ready to have a baby.