Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Guest Blog: Andy, Daddy
Dear J,

Happy 3rd birthday! You’re a big girl now, and on Sunday you get move up from First Steps to Lil’K at church. How exciting! J, I love you so much. You bring so much joy to your mother and me. You have a beautiful smile, and when you smile it makes me smile. And you don’t mind at all showing your emotions. We know exactly what you are feeling on the inside because you show it all on the outside. And that’s good, because I like to know what my little J is feeling. I want you to be happy, and that’s why lately I have been teaching you a lesson that will serve you well your entire life: Your attitude is your choice. Life is best when we choose a happy attitude, and God has given us the ability to choose happiness. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can always choose to face life with a happy, cheerful, joyful, positive attitude. That’s what I try to do, and even though it’s not always easy, it’s always what is best. I learned that from your Grandpa when I was a little boy. I also learned that if you have given your life to Jesus and He lives inside of you, then you have extra strength to choose joy. As a follower of Jesus you can face whatever life throws at you because you’ve got Jesus walking with you and Heaven awaiting you. And your mother and I pray often that you will choose to embrace Jesus at a young age. He loves you and has a fantastic plan for your life. Right now, my little J, I’ve noticed that you are fascinated with princesses. Did you know that you are a princess? That’s right! Your Heavenly Father is the King of Kings, and He created you as a unique, very special, very precious princess. And you’ll always be my beloved princess, too! I love you J, and I look forward to another year of hugs, and kisses, and lovins, and fun times.

The best is yet to come!


Andy and J