Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up with contractions. Hmmm.... could this be it? Are they going to "stick" or is my body just playing tricks? I started timing and logging each contraction. By about 4 AM I decided that this was indeed labor. It was finally time to have the baby! I wasn't in any great pain yet, but we would need to be heading to the hospital by morning. (4 AM is not quite morning.)
I called my parents so they could get on the road and make the 2 hour trip. We needed them to watch the other girls at the house while we went to the hospital. After about 1.5 hours I was beginning to feel the pain. I called my parents to see how close they were. They were still at their home! Oops! I must have sounded a little too calm and comfortable when I made the call.
Plan B -- Call somebody, anybody quick! Our friends are so amazing. Andy called a dear friend, and she was at our home with a head full of wet hair, makeup and blow dryer in hand in no time.
Meanwhile, Andy had been on the phone with the school where he was PE coach. They knew his wife was expecting any day, so plans had already been made. But one very important key -- THE key -- was overlooked. Yes. Somehow, the school managed to have only one key to the gym. And who had that one key? Andy. Who has only one key to anything?!
So he was instructed that he had to bring the key to the school. Oh boy. Hold on baby. Here we go. We're going to hospital, we just have to pass it and go across town first. Every bump and turn brought whimpers, and the ride to school felt like a journey across state. I was beginning to fear the headlines "Baby Born in White Ford Taurus."
But we finally made it to the hospital. Thankfully the hospital staff in charge of registration could see the need to rush us through. They got us upstairs quickly. Then a nurse had to check me before they could get us in a real room. She got real nervous when she realized I was almost 8 cm. The service got even better then!
My doctor was out of town, so the on call doc came to see me. We decided to go ahead and rupture my membranes (break my water). When he was done, he asked, "About how much longer do you think?" I said, "Don't go too far. Give me an hour, and we'll have a baby."
About 45 minutes later, I'm standing beside the bed, moaning and swaying through a contraction. Then it hits me. I say, "Oh no. Poo poo's coming out! I'm pooing on the floor right now!" Thankfully I had a very knowledgeable labor partner who immediately called for the nurses and said, "We need you now! We're ready to push!"
Not only is Andy very knowledgeable, but he's so protective of me as well. He knew I would be so embarrassed to have the nurses clean poo off the floor. Yes, my precious hubby caught my poo with his bare hands. Disgusting thought ... amazing man.
I got into bed and assumed the position. Right before I started to feel a contraction to push I noticed Andy wasn't in sight. I got scared and asked my nurse, "Where's my husband? Where did he go?" She answered, "He's fine, hon. He just needed to go wash his hands." Oh ... yeah.
And the next couple of contractions brought us our J weighing in at 10 lbs. Since the on call doc didn't know my history (or anything about me), he freaked out at such a large baby. He looked at me terrified and asked, "Do you have gestational diabetes?!" I just smiled and said, "No. Just big babies."
Another labor and delivery. Another story to tell. And another precious baby girl.