Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BoBo all better

I'm a tough mom, but I think a lot of my demands stem from having a large family. My time is limited, so I continually push my kids to fend for themselves. The more they can handle on their own, the less is demanded of me.

So, I've taught the kids to kiss their own hurts. It's amazing how well they do with this! I rarely hear whines and complains of a fall here, a bump there. They just jump up and move on with life. Sometimes they'll even give their knees a quick kiss before racing off, never even glancing my way. But what's been really sweet to watch is how they take care of one another. They don't come crying to me, and I love it! They have learned to look out for one another, and comfort one another.

But I may have overdone it. Yesterday J came inside after taking the trash to the cans in the garage. She didn't mention anything when she came in, but went straight to sit down in Paw Paw's chair. I didn't even think to consider she was hurt, even though she chose to sit in the "comfort me" chair. Oops. M came and announced, "Mom. You probably should go check on J. She's bleeding, and it doesn't look good."

Yes, the child had stepped onto a piece of glass, and it was stuck in the bottom of her foot. She wasn't crying, but said, "Yeah Ma. It doesn't feel too good. Som'hin's wrong here." I put her up on the kitchen counter and grabbed my tweezers. As I was digging into her foot she said, "Wow Mom. That doesn't feel good. That kind of hurts me." No tears. No whine. Just matter of fact.

Thank goodness my kids look out for each other! No telling what would happen if it were just me around here. A took care of the kissing this time.