Friday, September 2, 2011

School Report

 We have just completed our first week of school.  I am having a blast as "teacher," and the girls are doing so well.  I'm so proud of all of them.  
But sweet J is a little disappointed.  One day earlier this week I noticed she was quite grumpy.  I took her aside to chat and discover what was ailing her.

Me:  What's wrong my little J?  Are you not having fun at school?
J: Well Mom.  It's just not like I thought it would be.  I thought I was going to read at school.
Me: Oh you will, sweetheart.  I taught C to read, then I taught M to read.  I'll teach you to read too!
J: Then why aren't we reading?!  See those books up there? (Referring to her readers that we will eventually get to.)  I want to read them.  Why aren't you letting me read them?
Me: Well J.  We will get to those books, and you will read, but there are some other things I need to teach you first.  Do you understand?
J: Yeah... I just thought I would get to read when I went to Kindergarten.

Poor thing.  She honestly thought that by just "going" to Kindergarten, she would know how to read.
Oh the things we have to learn! 
The girls asked to wear their "uniforms" to school today.