Saturday, May 3, 2008

Big oops

I must admit, I hate disorganization. I hate clutter, chaos, and messes. (Isn't it quite ironic how God has blessed me with four little ones, the oldest being 4?)

I can't stand it when I miss out on life and great moments because my life is disorganized. I've been hurt when others haven't kept their word, so I cringe at the thought of me hurting someone by not keeping my word. I always want to be where I said I'll be, when I said I'd be, with the gear I said I'd bring.

But alas, I have failed. (It's certainly not the first, and unfortunately won't be the last.) And it's a doozy! I missed little A's 6 month well baby check-up. And we know how important it is to stay on your pediatrician's good side. I just blew it. I have a wonderful excuse, but no excuse ever takes the place of breaking your word.

So to little A, I'm so sorry. We're going next week bud. To the pediatrician, I'm so sorry. I am committed to never letting this happen again. I hate that my character has been tarnished in your eyes. I will do all I can to rebuild that trust. (Lucky for me I have lots of chances with all my kiddos appointments.)