What a beautiful sight! For some reason, I decided today was a good day to begin transitioning baby A to his big sisters' schedule. The girls all go down for nap right after lunch. Currently, A takes a long morning nap and wakes up shortly after I get the girls down for their nap. This has allowed me to have special time with him - just him. But those days are over. He's getting older, ready to move on to bigger things, and I'm ready to have my nap time back.
So this means I have to adjust his morning nap, making sure he's up with enough time to play, eat lunch with the girls, and go back down after lunch. So today is the first day of experimenting.
I just walked into their bedroom to check on them. It was completely quiet which can be good or bad. I've learned, if young children are awake and completely quiet, BEWARE. This means a nasty mess has been created, dangerous activities are taking place, and someone could quite possibly be close to death. I was delighted to find the opposite. My four precious babies, all sound asleep. Seeing them sleep so peacefully - such little angels - makes me think I can't wait until they get up and I get to play with them again. Wait a minute - what am I thinking?! :o)
Just by making the sacrifice to stay home with my children, I have so many opportunities to love on them. Remembering that encourages me to rest and enjoy any "alone" moment that comes my way. And I don't sense any hint of selfishness with doing that.
Just FYI - we have yet to have a naptime when all three girls choose to sleep in the bed. In their little minds, there is something daring and adventuresome about sleeping on the floor. Go ahead child. It's just another battle I choose to not fight.