And the kids have never been on antibiotics. I can even count on one hand how many times I have given them over the counter medicine. We just don't get sick very often around here. And when we do, we try to fight it with our own bodies before turning to the drugs. My hope is that every time the kids kick a cold on their own, their immune systems (and bodies) are that much stronger and ready to attack the next germ infestation.
So when the bug comes our way, it's time to pull out the Manning tricks. These include lots of sleep, lots a fluids, and a soak in the tub with a popsicle. I'm not sure if I read it somewhere, or I just came up with this silly idea on my own, but it's a treasure that has yet to fail us.
If ever the kids are running a fever, they get to soak in the tub and eat popsicles. It's amazing how their fever has always gone down after this trick. Now granted, we've never experienced a severely high fever, just the low grade ones that indicate little bodies fighting off the yuckies.
Since the little cool front came through, we're fighting the runny noses. M woke up from nap the other day with a fever, so off to the tub we went. She had so much fun! I gave her an American Girl magazine (dolls, dolls, and more dolls) to look at. She soaked, read her magazine, and ate a popsicle. Within 30 minutes she said she felt better and was ready to get out and play with her sisters.
So the Manning tricks have worked for us once again. Thank you Lord for our health. We truly are so very blessed.