Oh where has the past year and a half gone?!
It's hard to believe that my baby is 18 months old. Maybe "hard to believe" is "don't wanna believe" in disguise. Whichever it is, I have to admit that I'm having a hard time accepting how quickly time is passing. These days, I feel like the sand of time is slipping through my fingers at a much faster pace than I'm comfortable with.
Imagine this ... in 10 short years, my precious C will be a couple months short 18 years of age. No really, think about it.
Andy and I will celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary in February, and lately we've been talking about what we can do to celebrate. And in talking, we've both agreed that it doesn't feel like 10 years have passed. It feels like we were married a few short years ago. Surely, surely we've miscounted somehow. Nope. It's here - the ten year mark. Wow.
And when I think about how quickly the past ten years have passed, my heart aches for my children. In essence, I get 18 years (Lord willing) of influence in their lives. 18 years of calling the shots in their lives. 18 years of molding, correcting, controlling. And even with that, my power over them is lessened with each passing day. Is C going to be ready in ten short years? Am I doing all I can today to prepare her for the decisions she will be in complete control to make ten short years from now??
It's slightly overwhelming and heart-breaking. My prayer is that not only will my children be fully prepared for that transition, but also that their lives will be guided by Someone much greater than Mom. That I will have prepared them to take orders from Someone much wiser than I. That they will already take delight in submission to the Someone that loves them much more than Mommy.
God help me. My time is short.